Saturday, March 10, 2012

What was the first computer game to have voice acting?

I noticed that in past games, there was never any voice acting. Now, almost all games have it. As far as I can think, a possibility would be King's Quest V or maybe King's Quest 6. Both those games were made around 1992. If there is no one who knows for sure, then perhaps someone could tell me when voice acting in computer games became common.What was the first computer game to have voice acting?
I can't think of any earlier games than that with full speech. I know of a game or two that had an add-on speech pack, but none that had speech natively.

The growth in voice acting came about when CDs became common. Before CDs, quality voice encoding simply took up too much disc space to be worth it. A few games may have had occasional words, but not full-on voice acting.

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